This has happened so many times and im just so fed up with it.
I now have no way to pay my bills or for food etc, let alone do anything or go anywhere for the next month. My next card was a 4 and the dealer then got a 10 and 3. The temptation for me to double on my 11 was too much, especially as the dealer had a 5, and I therefore deposited the £300 for bills that I said I wasn't going to touch so that I could double. I then put this £300 on one hand in blackjack and got dealt 8 and 3.
I then started losing and chasing again until I was down to £300. Again I started winning and got up to £1200. I was determined and adamant that I would make sure I didn't touch this £300. I then deposited more than I should of but left the £300 I needed for bills and essentials in my bank account. I was actually winning to start with but once I started losing the inevitable happened and I started chasing losses. Hey everyone, as the title says I have just lost all my wages on gambling, money that I need for food and bills etc, with my next payday not until another 4 weeks.